Ron Shane Flynn Introduces the Biosphere Process to RP

on Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Republic of the Philippines is blessed with rich natural resources. Unfortunately, these resources are in danger of the threat brought about by pollution. Modernization has greatly improved the industries of the archipelago, but progress has forsaken the environment. Mountains of trash can be seen in every region and smog reigns over every city. Neglect and apathy towards nature has ruined the beauty that has been innate into the once known as Pearl of the orient. World renowned environmentalist and humanitarian Ron Shane Flynn is aware of the country’s desolate state and aims to help change things through his patented Biosphere Process.

The Biosphere Process aims to breathe new life into the environment that has been gravely desecrated by human activities. It aims to make waste management into a solution from being a problem. It will make the disposal of waste the solution to our growing needs in energy. Energy is a vital element for progress because it is needed to power industries and the machines that are the realization of technologies. Energy generation is given high priority in the allocation of the national budget because it is a must. It has been a huge problem however, that the popular sources of energy significantly do harm to the environment.

Traditional energy sources although they cause huge negative impacts to the surroundings are being chosen by most consumers because of their currently unparalleled efficiency. Man has been blinded by his green and unending appetite for energy and has lost track of the effects to nature of his usage of polluting energy. He has deserted planet earth to possess the energy he so gravely craves for. The Biosphere Process aims to change mankind’s mindset that only polluting energies can be efficient by providing consumers a clean yet efficient alternative.

The energy produced through the Biosphere Process is very efficient because the feedstock is transformed using the most optimal temperatures. Such feat is made possible by the oxygen limited chambers being utilized by the process. The air tight cylinders allow full and precise control of the amount of oxygen introduced into the feedstock. The chambers also prevent the release of carbon gases into the atmosphere thus preventing air pollution. This revolutionary process when put into mass scale patronage has the potential to completely prevent air pollution to the point that planet earth will be able to slowly recover from the damage.

The Biosphere Process will completely solve the dilemmas in waste management and fully eliminate the need for landfills by converting the garbage into energy. Receiving efficient and clean energy for every bit of waste eliminated is miracle environmentalists have always wanted. And now Ron Flynn has brought this blessed technology to the Philippines and hopes to make the republic the starting point of the clean energy revolution. We owe the planet and the least we could do is take care of it and preserve it for the future generations. Let us do our part.


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