Biosphere Technology for Economic Stability

on Monday, December 20, 2010

Economic stability is considered one of the most important factors that contribute to a nation’s progress. A nation’s wealth is directly related to how much resources it can acquire and how much economic growth it can achieve. Especially in these era in which globalization has intertwined the economies of all the countries in the world is economic stability even more important. A stable economy attracts foreign investment and also allows a country to have a better presence in the world market. True stability of the economy however is very hard to achieve especially for non-oil producing nations. Energy is what keeps economies running thus making it a necessity for advancement. Oil with its great efficiency has monopolized the energy industry for centuries now and countries that cannot produce their own oil are left with no choice but to import. And dependency on another country for the supply of a necessity makes it very difficult to obtain real economic stability. This is because a slight change on the price of that necessity in the global market is sure to have huge impacts on the dependent’s economy. Finally the solution to gain oil independence is here and it is called biosphere technology.

Biosphere Technology has everything it needs to be able to replace oil as the primary source of energy in the world. It has very high efficiency that can rival that of oil. But the difference is that any nation can benefit from the said technology by having biosphere machines deployed in their community. Hence, the need to depend on other nations for energy supply is eliminated and the path to true economic stability is opened. The said machines convert solid wastes into clean energy. This means that consumers will be paying garbage for energy. But since no one wants to keep trash, it will be like getting free energy with the bonus of waste elimination.

Biosphere Technology also makes use of advanced limiters to prevent gaseous pollutants from escaping into the air during the conversion process. This makes the technology effectively prevent the greenhouse effect which is considered a major culprit in causing global warming.


ketz said...

Good to hear this and I'm sure that this would help the economy to be stable. Continue enhancing the financial system to ensure the development of this country.

economic depression

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